In cooperation with PlasticsEurope Germany e.V. and the teacher training center lfbz of the Frankfurt University, INEOS Styrolution offers free teacher trainings for child-oriented scientific experiments with “Kunos cooler Kunststoff Kiste” for all interested primary schools from the Rhine-Main region.
“Kunos coole Kunststoff Kiste”, an experimental kit for children aged six to ten years, can be an important building block for science education in primary school age: The kit contains material as well as the exercise books for five experiments, with which primary school children are playfully introduced to the topics of science and plastic.
Almost all experiments can be performed by the kids themselves. As part of the training, the kids will among other things manufacture a polystyrene ball, build a little water-purification station or find out how a safety helmet works.
Information for the next event:
Date: April 13, 2016
Uhrzeit: 2-5 pm
Venue: Teacher training center Chemistry, Goethe University Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str. 7, 60438 Frankfurt
For more info about Kuno, click here.