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Terluran ECO GP-22 MR50

Terluran® ECO GP-22 MR50 is a mechanical post consumer recycling (PCR) grade, with a PCR content of 50% in a standard black color. It combines easy-flow, high impact resistance and heat distortion with high quality surface finish; intended for a wide range of applications and visible parts.

Key Features

  • Medium flow
  • Good impact resistance
  • Good heat distortion resistance
  • High quality surface finish and gloss
  • Great mechanical strength and rigidity
  • Standard black or dark grey color


  • Injection molding
  • Appliance housings
  • Household and electronics appliances
  • Visible parts
  • Grade Version
  • Properties

    Properties of Terluran ECO GP-22 MR50

    Property, Test Condition Standard Unit Values
    Rheological Properties
    Melt Volume Rate 220 °C/10 kg ISO 1133 cm³/10 min 19
    Mechanical Properties
    Charpy Notched Impact Strength, 23° C ISO 179/1eA kJ/m² 18
    Charpy Notched Impact Strength, -30 °C ISO 179/1eA kJ/m² 7
    Tensile Stress at Yield, 23 °C ISO 527 MPa 35
    Tensile Strain at Yield, 23 °C ISO 527 % 2.6
    Tensile Stress at Break, 23 °C ISO 527 MPa 25
    Tensile Strain at Break, 23 °C ISO 527 % 8
    Tensile Modulus ISO 527 MPa 2100
    Thermal Properties
    Vicat Softening Temperature VST/B/50 (50N, 50 °C/h) ISO 306 °C 95
    Other Properties
    Density ISO 1183 kg/m³ 1040
    Linear Mold Shrinkage ISO 294-4 % 0.4 - 0.7
    Melt Temperature Range ISO 294 °C 220 - 260
    Mold Temperature Range ISO 294 °C 30 - 80
    Drying Temperature - °C 80
    Drying Time - h 2 - 4

  • Processing

    Processing of Terluran ECO GP-22 MR50

  • Safety Data Sheet