Environmental compliance

Environmental Compliance

INEOS Styrolution Canada – Environmental Emergency Community Notification

Environmental Emergency Community Notification

INEOS Styrolution Near Real Time Perimeter Monitoring Locations


INEOS Styrolution Canada – INEOS Styrolution Air Monitoring

INEOS Styrolution - Air Monitoring


O.Reg.206/24 Benzene Exceedances

Exceedances of 1 Hour Limit of (0ug/m3 (August 28, 2024)

Exceedance of 2 week limit of 14 ug/m3 (July 30, 2024 – August 13, 2024)

Exceedance of 1 Hour Limit of 90ug/m3 (September 26, 2024)

INEOS Styrolution Canada – PCIS Property Line Monitoring

INEOS Styrolution’s Sarnia site is registered to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change’s (MOECC) Technical Standards to Manage Air Pollution – Petrochemical Industry Standard (PCIS) under Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution – Local Air Quality. The intent of the PCIS is to identify and implement best available controls to minimize air emissions of benzene and 1, 3 butadiene from Ontario petrochemical facilities. INEOS Styrolution is registered to the PCIS to monitor benzene concentrations at the property fence line.

INEOS Styrolution recognizes the importance of minimizing emissions and is committed to transparency, open dialogue, and trust among stakeholders. Working collaboratively with the Sarnia Lambton Environmental Association (SLEA) and the MOECC on reduction of benzene emissions is an ongoing focus in this area. 

The data presented on this page are the results of continuous 14-day samples taken at locations around the property line of the INEOS Styrolution site. The monitoring locations and sampling methods used for the property line monitoring have been approved by the MOECC for the purposes of the PCIS. INEOS Styrolution will post the results of the 14-day samples to this website within 60 days of completion of each sampling event. 

O. Reg. 419/05 outlines half-hour and 24-hour standards for benzene and as such, the 14-day samples published here do not offer a direct comparison to these standards but will instead be assessed annually against an established baseline as directed under the PCIS. 

Property line concentrations can be affected by meteorological conditions such as wind direction and speed, ambient air temperatures, and proximity to on-site and off-site sources of benzene. To account for these potential sources of impact, the data collected will be utilized to establish a baseline concentration for each property line monitor over a 3 year period. Each successive year, a statistical determination will be completed for the annual data against this baseline to identify potential increases in a monitor’s assessed values. This provides INEOS Styrolution the ability to assess and develop action plans to mitigate, and minimize future benzene concentrations.

PCIS Property Line Monitoring – Maps
PCIS Property Line Monitoring – Monitoring Data

PCIS Annual Reporting

INEOS Styrolution PCIS Annual Report 2023
INEOS Styrolution PCIS Annual Report 2022
INEOS Styrolution PCIS Annual Report 2021

INEOS Styrolution PCIS Annual Report 2020
INEOS Styrolution PCIS Annual Report 2019
INEOS Styrolution PCIS Annual Report 2018

Toxics Reduction Act Public Reporting

Styrolution Canada 2012 Toxic Reduction Public Summary Report
Styrolution Canada 2012 Toxic Accounting   
Styrolution Canada 2013 Toxics Reduction Public Summary Report   
Styrolution Canada 2013 Toxic Accounting   
Styrolution Canada 2014 Toxic Accounting   
INEOS Styrolution Canada 2015 Toxic Accounting  

INEOS Styrolution Canada 2016 Toxic Accounting
INEOS Styrolution Canada 2017 Toxic Accounting
INEOS Styrolution Canada 2018 Toxic Accounting
INEOS Styrolution Canada 2019 Toxic Accounting

INEOS Styrolution Canada 2020 Toxic Accounting